2 Industries That Are Really Tapping into the Potential of Influencer Marketing

Did you know that an adult spends at least 11.7 hours a day reading, listening, watching, or generally browsing on social media? Or that more than half the world is online at any given point of time?

With the rise of social media, a whole new world of possibilities has opened up within the marketing and branding universe. There’s a visible shift from the print and digital media to social networking platforms, and influencers have stepped into the limelight for their ability to … well, influence consumer behaviour and purchasing decisions.

It’s a well-known fact that word-of-mouth marketing generates much more sales than any other paid advertising. This makes influencer marketing one of the most reliable tools a brand can use to maximize reach and revenue. Instead of surfing through conventional adverts on websites, younger consumers are looking up to their favourite influencers for inspiration now.

There’s no denying that influencer marketing is a gold mine of opportunities. In a world where advertising is only producing noise, businesses have found the perfect solution to give a personal touch to their brand message while allowing them to connect with their audience more effectively. For brands of all sizes, across all verticals, influencer marketing is a proposition that’ll pay off well in monetary terms, helping brands appear more human while giving excellent returns for the money being spent on marketing. Furthermore, it has the ability to drive marketing up to a scale. A study reveals that brands earn about 650% for every penny they invest in influencer marketing. 

But you don’t have to take our word for it. Let’s take a look at the top two industries that are tapping into influencer marketing and making it work successfully for them.

The Beauty & Fashion Industry

In 2016, on its tenth anniversary in India, beauty brand The Body Shop reached out to bloggers and social media influencers by sending them personalised gifts with a thank-you note for using and liking their products. This marketing initiative went viral as digital celebrities posted their appreciation messages across different social media platforms, leading to more than 20 million impressions!

This is just one of the examples of beauty and fashion brands going beyond traditional marketing and tapping into the pull of online influencers. In the past, brand messages were broadcast undiluted, direct and, at times, overstated. Today, consumers are resisting and filtering these ‘obviously salesy’ messages, preferring the ‘Try-and-tell’ method instead and checking out unboxing and review videos online. Following suit, beauty and fashion brands have found it worthwhile to consider adding influencers to their marketing arsenal. In fact, they are now claiming that influencer marketing campaigns are the most effective for generating awareness and boosting sales as compared to any other marketing strategy!

Out of the 600 high-end professionals surveyed in “The State of Influencer Marketing in Fashion, Luxury and Cosmetic, 2018” report, 76% of brands had implemented influencer marketing campaigns in 2017, which means an increase of 13% compared to the previous year’s data. On the other hand, 22% of brands who didn’t work with influencers said that they were keen to bet their money on influencer marketing in the future.  Source: Read this

Also, it was noticed in 2017 that the budget allotted to influencer marketing campaigns had grown between 3% and 6% globally. Brands that dedicated less than 10% of their marketing budgets to influencers had witnessed a fall in sales by 6% as compared to the previous year. They seemed to have learned their lesson, though, and most fashion brands are likely to increase their influencer marketing budget by the next fiscal year.

The Travel & Tourism Industry

Thanks to smartphones, taking photos and clicking selfies have become a part of our day-to-day life. While on vacation, the number of photos a person clicks has increased by four times. And the travel industry is encashing on this trend in a big way.

According to studies, 82% of frequent travellers follow travel blogs and v-blogs across various social media platforms. Out of these, 80% holidaymakers are directly influenced by travel influencers when it comes to selecting their next holiday destination and sightseeing options. Also, a good review for a hotel or an airline from their favourite travel blogger means 75% of these tourists are likely to follow their advice. Source: Read this

Influencer marketing has already changed the travel industry. The new generation is turning away from travel magazines and ads. Instead, they are seeking inspiration from friends, fellow travellers, and influencers with engaging social media presences.

Due to this shift, influencer marketing for the travel industry is rapidly expanding, creating opportunities for mutually beneficial collaborations between influencers and brands. Brands who’ve given it a shot have witnessed increased sales of 48%. Footfall to their website has gone up by 42% and the number of followers on social networks has shot up by 38%. All these numbers make a compelling use case in favour of influencer marketing. Source: Read this

This is because people are more receptive to content on social media that comes from a real-life person than a hoarding on the road as they drive by. These influencers are able to share hints, tips, and news with their followers, all of which proves to be an incredibly powerful form of promotion.

Before closing all we can say is that numbers do not lie. Influencers are known for their creative and original content on social media. They have a vast following on at least one or two platforms and, in many ways, they are opinion shapers. Not surprisingly, brands are keen to harness their power. So, take a hard look at your current strategy and see how you can make room for influencer marketing in the brand’s communication that you’re putting out. You won’t regret making room for this new age strategy.

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